Discover New And Amazing Beans Dishes With Us!

Did you know, there is so much you can do with beans beyond making a pottage? Over time, I have discovered some really exciting recipes. Have a look! 



  1. Gbegiri: This is native to the South-western region of Nigeria, made as an accompaniment for ewedu soup, best enjoyed with Amala. Gbegiri is prepared with black-eyed or brown beans, and remains a popular classic amongst the yorubas.


  1. Moin-Moin: Also known as bean pudding, this breakfast staple comprises beans ground into a mix with condiments and other extras like fish, egg, corned beef, and meat chunks. Then, they are scooped in carefully folded leaves (or small bowls) and steamed to fine perfection. This tasty dish can be enjoyed with soft food like custard, pap, and oats. It also works as an amazing accompaniment for jollof rice.

  1. Akara: Thus popular Nigerian street food follows the same preparation method as Moin-moin. The only difference is that instead of steaming, the mix is scooped into hot oil and deep-fried. The result is spherical balls of golden-brown deliciousness. Akara is a great breakfast option and accompaniment for oats, custard, and pap.

  1. Frejon: This is a ceremonial dish popular to the African megacity, Lagos. It consists of beans cooked and pureed in coconut milk, best served alongside fish stew, peppered snails, garri ijebu, and other complementary delicacies. Although native to Brazil, Frejon found its way into West Africa following the abolition of slave trade, and made home in Lagos. It is a part of our menu at the Orishirishi kitchen, although reserved for special occasions like Easter. 

  1. Ewa Agoyin: The name, ‘Ewa’ means beans in Yoruba, while ‘agoyin’ is a term used by Nigerians to refer to people from other West African countries like Ghana, the Republic of Benin, and Togo. This meal is originally from the aforementioned countries but has been popularized in Nigeria by the South-western region. Comprising mashed beans topped with a special oily sauce, Ewa agoyin is unrivalled both as a street food and as a ceremonial dish.  

All of these recipes are documented in my cookbook now available to order here. If you have ever tried any of these bean dishes, I would love to read about your experiences! Don’t hesitate to leave your comments below.